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(919) 788-8881

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(919) 570-6160

The Six Essentials

Six Essentials

Your Personal Wellness Score

The Wellness Score is a number used to quantify your personal level of health. It is a numeric tally of various wellness and stress factors that could be impacting your quality of life. We believe a person’s wellness score should be at least +4  to maximize x-ray correction and graduate to a maintenance level of care. Following is a description of the wellness and stress factors contributing to your total score:

Wellness Factors

God/Nervous System: God has given your body the natural ability to reach its optimal level of health. This is ultimately controlled by the nervous system, which God uses to regulate and coordinate all functions of your body. By getting rhythmic chiropractic adjustments, engaging in prescribed corrective exercises three times a week, and using your traction device daily, you receive two points toward your wellness score.

Nutrition: We need proper fuel (God-made foods) to allow our bodies to run optimally. When you eat 75% non-processed foods “from the vine” at least 6 days a week, you receive a point toward your wellness score.

Exercise: We need to exercise to maintain a healthy metabolism and bone density. When you are exercising 30 minutes a day, 6 days a week incorporating aerobic, anaerobic, and flexibility exercises, you can add a point toward your wellness score.

Rest: We need proper rest to allow our bodies to recharge and repair. If you wake up naturally without an alarm clock you receive a point toward your wellness score.

Prayer: University studies show a minimum of 15 minutes per day of prayer, meditation, and Bible study reduces stress and improves out health and happiness. If you pray/meditate or read your Bible at least 15 minutes a day you can add a point to your total score.

Stress Factors

Physical Stress is the result of accidents, poor posture, inadequate sleeping position, birth trauma and childhood injuries. If you experience this kind of physical stress, subtract a point from your wellness score.

Mental/Emotional Stress comes from work, family, traffic, and money. If you are constantly dealing with emotional/mental stress, subtract one point from your score.

Chemical Stress comes from medications, poor diet, and processed and refined foods. If you consume these chemicals on a daily basis, subtract a point from your total score.

The sum of your wellness factor points minus your stress factor points is your personal wellness score.  

The goal is to have a +4 or greater! If you have not met this goal, please take time to examine what areas you might need to rework in order to achieve a healthy life balance.

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